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Writer's pictureElizabeth Jolly

20 Day Etude Challenge! Gariboldi 20 Studies for Flute Op. 132

Hi, friends! Ever find yourself in a practicing slump? Me too.

Spring break was a couple weeks ago and I took some time off, and ever since then I've had the hardest time finding motivation to get back to a practicing routine. So what am I going to do about it? I've issued myself an etude challenge!

I'm going to work my way through Giuseppe Gariboldi's 20 Studies for Flute Op. 132 over the next 20 days. I've played some of these (eleven of them appear in Melodious and Progressive Studies Vol. 1 edited by Robert Cavally) but haven't quite made my way through all twenty. One etude a day sounds like kind of a lot, but most of these are fairly straightforward and shouldn't be too difficult to pull off in that time frame. Most of all, these will give me a great push to get back to playing daily!

Without further ado, here's No. 1 in C major:

Thanks for listening! See you again tomorrow (and for the next 19 days)!


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